Welcome to my Blog!

Here's my most recent video project :)

Tale 07/04/24, 23:00 "FLORIDA"

Hey, it's me again! Having a day off has been quite the remarkable experience. It's like a window into what my free time can feel like. I get to experience feelings that I don't normally get. I have been inspired to do new things. Make money in alternative ways. Or just overall express myself to the world. The thought even crossed my mind to write a book. But I haven't entertained that thought much, because it is quite the heavy burden to think and scheme about writing a book. Anyway. I feel like I am making good use of my time in Florida. One thing I would like to get better at is reaching out to people. I have also thought about reading a book that can help me master social interactions at places like Kava Bar lounges. Sometimes I feel disconnected. And awkward. I just think that is part of who I am, or maybe that little bit of autism that holds me back. Today, I made friends with some of the regulars here. I even met a dude who is from Alaska and lives here now. I felt like we felt comfortable with each other almost immediately. And yet, I couldn't help but feel like we were forcing the conversation. There were times when I just wanted it to end, for us to go about our separate ways. But one thing I admired about him is how he introduced himself to random people. Anyway. I wonder if I should get a drink to go here, and how large it should be. I think it should be a small one to go this time. When my paycheck hits, I'll consider bringing home a large drink back home to enjoy with a few sips every night. I usually get home with a drink anyway, and not much time to enjoy it before I have to hit the hay. So... yeah. Having recently downloaded GitHub to my iPad has let me get back to my blog and touching base with my ideas and what I wish to share with the world.
As always, included with this Tale is a website that I found.


- Signed, Eddie

Tale 01/13/23, 08:20 "IDENTITY"

I think that everyone I work with likes how energetic I am. They're always asking me, "how are you still as energized as you were when you started?" Well, the truth is, as soon as I get home I tend to hit the sack. Indeed, I seldom show people a side of me that is negative, tired, or otherwise drained. Partly because my focus lies solely in entertaining other people and having fun. I just have to channel that energy when I don't feel like it! Perhaps that is the secret to an even higher productivity. I know I can do it, maybe I need to recognize what I'm made of more. There are certain areas in my life that have been neglected. I think positive affirmations and uplifting statements have been less abundant lately. They exist a lot externally, when people ask me how I'm doing. But internally, I have to tell myself those things all the same, when nobody is asking me to. It's a simple formula for success, I think. Especially when I am somebody who can power through just about anything if I set my mind to it, when my energy reserves are so high. I do believe that everyone can be like this, though! I am only human. And maybe because of how I was raised, I could have a higher affinity towards being positive. But humans are strong, mighty, and limitless. Especially in the mornings, and at nights, there is so much untapped potential. So yes, I am a human batteery that recharges others throughout the day. However this battery could use a recharge in the mornings and nights. Hopefully by typing out my feelings like this, I can focus now on what the next step is. Doing things like jumping jacks, and push-ups, and some yoga, helps lift my energy up a bit whenever I do it. I could start with that. Hydrating myself first thing in the morning is common for me to do, but a little routine like that could go a long way! Anyways, Dan Koe has been my latest obsession. He is a YouTuber or a writer whose messages I can really understand and listen to. I hope that messages like theirs, repeated over time, could help me focus on my strengths and what really matters.

How To Do Whatever The Fuck You Want

- Signed, Eddie

Tale 01/01/23, 17:00 "REVIVAL"

It's been about four years since I have last updated my site. Wow! I wonder what could come of it now that I have a newfound drive to edit my online presence. The reasoning for this is simple, I guess I'm at a better place now more than I ever was. Sure, I get busy and all with work, but who doesn't? It's the good deeds I do outside of it that matters. Work being, putting in endless effort to getting better at recruiting in a company that drives sales for big clients. It's simple work but it's not easy. At least I graduated college the year I was expected to, albeit one delayed semester because I took more credits than I was supposed to. I'll always look back at school fondly, it was a good period of time. Besides that, I'd like to keep you all updated on what I'm doing. It's less about you, and more for me. My creative side deserves to be expressed. I like writing, too. This is the perfect new year to do so. As always, here's a link to a particularly interesting website I found. It's a creative writing plot generator. I can use something like this to spark my creativity every single day. Little tools like this are available everywhere. It's our little eyes that spot opportunities when they present themselves. You know?

Reedsy Plot Generator

- Signed, Eddie

Tale 11/10/18 "EARLY CHRISTMAS"

Merry Christmas everyone! Why am I seeing all these retail stores putting up Christmas decorations. Like wyd. Let me enjoy my transition between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Anyways, life has been great lately. I feel like I'm blossoming into a new person and growing, learning new things. I just feel stressed out about midterms that are coming up, especially my math one. I DESPERATELY need to pass with a B, or else I'm gonna fail this class again. Then I might end up graduating a year later. That's no fun. But a couple weeks from now I'll look back at this page and think wow. There's no need to worry. Everything will be fine. I hope all who are reading this are doing well. I'm personally going through a lot but I got my chin up because I know I'm making sacrifices that pay off in the long run. At least that's what others tell me. I hope they're right.
Anyays, I just read this post that said, "there are two kinds of tired--one where you haven't slept, and one where you need peace." I'm hoping that this site right here will help you find peace. Relax and enjoy the little things in life, even the bad ones, my friend.


- Signed, Eddie

Tale 10/30/18 "GENESIS"

I finally got my own domain! Wow. Feels great to finally have my own website. And it looks great, too! I'm not sure where to go from now, all I know about coding at the moment is just adding HTML text like this, and maybe a picture, with CSS making it look pretty. But I'll figure it out. This website can grow! Anyways today I skipped lecture today to hang out with Griffen and my new friend Monica. I think my social life is coming together now! Sorta. Schoolwork isn't looking too difficult but I don't see myself becoming a 5-star A+ student. Anyways I guess I could make this site more special by having a Do Online Now, Guys activity at the end of every blog post for now? Here's one I picked out. Check it out!

Live Internet Statistics

- Signed, Eddie

Tale 10/29/18 "STARTING OUT"

Today is a Monday, so that means it's a school day, but since this quarter I only have classes from Tuesdays through Fridays, I figured I'd just complete this lab and get it over with. I finished it in the span of a couple days! Honestly it felt much easier than the first lab. I hope I can just reuse these scripts or just go back to them because I'd love to keep this website for my own personal use, and work on it some more. I've been playing Fortnite recently and I have been trying to figure out how to study for my other two classes, and I think I'll study for one of them after I finish this blog. Anyways thanks for stopping by and check in next week for my next post!

- Signed, Eddie

About Me:

My name is Eddie Ortega and I grew up in Garden Grove, California. I like to run, draw, and play music. That's honestly about it. I'm your pretty average human being aside from the fact I am really happy most of the time and you'll rarely find me in a bad mood. I also like video games and I pay extra attention to detail in everything I do. Like in designing this website! I'm studying for business currently but I feel like I am my happiest when expressing my artistic side or performing for others. I'll figure out my life eventually.

So what do I like to eat? Well how kind of you to ask:
Sushi 🍣
Chicken Fingers 🐔
and Alfredo Pasta 🍜
So if you wanna talk to me about any of these.. hit me up.